The 2018 Survey results are in!


Most citizens chose to live in Carmangay for the quiet, small town feeling. Residents enjoy the natural beauty of the Village. They value the connection with other residents as being friendly, but are concerned that this friendliness has started to disappear. They want this connection restored in the Village as well as how they interact with Council. Citizens want Council to be more approachable and value a conversation with Councilors over other means of communication.

Carmangay residents enjoy the charm and character of the Village that is reflected in well maintained properties. Citizens would like to see a more active bylaw enforcement to ensure that properties remain well maintained. They would like to see the infrastructure addressed and brought to a level that meets their needs now and in the future. Citizens are happy with services like garbage collection, recycling and the rescue services.

Residents value their library the most and recognize its contribution to the community. Youth are encouraged to connect in the community with a space that allows them to ‘hang out’ or engage in other ways. The library continues to connect people with each other including younger age groups to meet these needs.

Most of all Carmangay would like to see a revitalization of the commercial sector and local amenities like a convenience store which had the highest level of support in the entire survey. Other amenities like a gas station and restaurant were important as well and underlined the importance that survey respondents placed on increasing all commercial activity. Citizens were in favour of most development except Multi-Unit Residential and favoured most commercial and industrial followed by residential.

Thirty five of the 45 respondents would like to see Carmangay grow slowly to moderately and 7 to grow faster. Citizens see more business and industry as critical to Carmangay’s future sustainability with 34 in agreement and 5 opposed. All but 1 person would actively promote economic development and 34 would offer incentives versus 4 that would not. Citizens are willing to provide tax incentives and even reduced property prices to encourage economic development. Advertising and promotion are key parts of increasing economic development.

The document can be found at: