Brochure designer help wanted

Do you have some skill with computers?  Artistic ability?  A little bit of imagination?  We might be looking for you…

The Village of Carmangay is interested in publishing a brochure which includes all the service clubs in the community.  We are in the process of collecting information from the clubs.  But we need a talented person to put it all together into one flashy, informative brochure.

If you think that you might be that person, please contact the Village Office at (403) 643-3595 or


Utility Rate increase in 2018

2018 brings with it an increase in the utility rates, as outlined in Bylaw #763.

Rates are as follows:


Winter (Nov 1-Apr 30) – 14.5 m3 or portion thereof/month – $51.77
Summer (May 1-Oct 31) – 29 m3 or portion thereof/month – $51.77
Overage charge – $1.95/m3

Sewer – monthly rate of $15.98

Garbage – monthly rate of $30.27

Total BIMONTHLY billing (assuming no overage) – $196.04