2021 Tax and Assessment Notice

The 2021 Tax and assessment notices have been sent out on April 29, 2021.  

TAKE NOTICE that you are assessed for the taxation year as shown. The Assessment Roll will be open for inspection during office hours and if you or your agent desire to object to the entry or omission of your name or that of any other person upon the said roll, or object to your assessment or any assessment, you or your agent must lodge your complaint in writing before the final date for appeal shown above. Send assessment complaints to:

Logan Wehlage BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT CONSULTANTS INC. (403) 381-0535 by July 3, 2021.

Appeal fee of $300.00 will be charged.

Interest is charged at the rate of 12% per year calculated at tax due date and end of year on outstanding taxes. 2021 Taxes are due and payable on July 7, 2021.

To obtain a receipt for for taxes paid, please come by the Village office during business hours.


Village of Carmangay and Vulcan County sign Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework

Vulcan County and the Village of Carmangay have signed an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework agreement.  The agreement is available on the Village website under Documents.

Municipal Affairs requires all adjoining municipalities to complete an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework agreement prior to the April 1, 2021 deadline.  They are described by the Alberta Government as follows;

Frameworks are intended to:

  • provide for integrated and strategic planning, delivery and funding of intermunicipal services
  • allocate scarce resources efficiently in the providing local services
  • ensure municipalities contribute funding to services that benefit their residents

Administration in both municipalities have spent considerable time to capture and negotiate the details of the agreement.  An ICF committee was struck and met with the members including 2 elected officials and the CAO from each municipality.

Some important notes about the agreement include:

  • The agreement will be reviewed by both parties in 2023.
  • The 5 Villages in Vulcan County spent considerable time over the last year to standardize the agreements as much as possible to each have similar provisions.
  • With respect to the Carmangay and Region Recreational Board the following is important;

“In the most recent recreation board agreement, the municipalities agreed that recreation boards should undertake ten-year capital plans. To date, these capital plans have yet to be undertaken and the municipalities hereby agree

that they will discuss the best way to assist the Carmangay and District Recreation Board with this capital planning.

It is recognized that by undertaking ten-year capital plans, the Carmangay and District Recreation Board and the municipalities will be in a better position to pursue grant funding opportunities, including the use of municipal capital grant programs, and thereby lessen the immediate impact on local ratepayers.”

  • Vulcan County has agreed to a policy to provide $250,000 of in kind machinery and work as well as aggregate that can be accessed over the next 10 years.