Vulcan County Regional Emergency Management Agency YouTube Channel

Have you checked out Vulcan County Regional Emergency Management Agency YouTube Channel yet? They will be posting videos regularly to support public access to information in Vulcan County about local health issues.

Vulcan County Regional Emergency Management Agency Channel Link

Brochure designer help wanted

Do you have some skill with computers?  Artistic ability?  A little bit of imagination?  We might be looking for you…

The Village of Carmangay is interested in publishing a brochure which includes all the service clubs in the community.  We are in the process of collecting information from the clubs.  But we need a talented person to put it all together into one flashy, informative brochure.

If you think that you might be that person, please contact the Village Office at (403) 643-3595 or


Carmangay Fire Department


The Carmangay Fire Department has been in operation since the 1950’s.  A pump truck was purchased in 2004 and a new fire hall was built in 2009. They have a pumper truck and response unit.

Contact: Sue Dahl – Fire Chief
Phone: 403-892-8277

Non emergency number: 403-643-3555

For more information on Emergency Services please visit their website.