December 2024 Newsletter

Due to the postal strike, newsletters will not be mailed out this month. Please pop into the office or post office to pick up a copy or read it online by clicking the links below.

Please click <HERE> for the December Community Newsletter.

Vulcan County is hosting a Farmers Christmas Party on December 13 – for more information click <HERE>

For information on other happenings around Vulcan County click <HERE>

BOIL WATER ADVISORY – click for more information

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Please boil water for ONE MINUTE to a FULL, ROLLING BOIL prior to drinking or using for food preparation, toothbrushing, fruit and veggie washing, etc. See the below links for more information on how to use water during this advisory:,bottled%20water%20should%20be%20used.

Public Hearing Date Change


The Village of Carmangay Council will be holding a

Public Hearing on

Wednesday, December 21 at 6 p.m.

at the Carmangay Community Centre

to discuss Bylaw #827 – Borrowing Bylaw and Bylaw #830 – Public Notification Bylaw.

  • Bylaw #827 – Borrowing Bylaw authorizes the Council of the Village of Carmangay to incur indebtedness by the issuance of a debenture in the amount of $395,000 (three hundred ninety-five thousand dollars) for the purpose of completion of the water pumphouse upgrade and distribution connection. 

The Public Hearing will start at 6 p.m. at the Community Centre and the regular Village of Carmangay Council meeting will start immediately after the Public Hearing concludes.

Bylaw #827 Information

For more information on the proposed water project in the Village, please read below:

Recent inspections of the Village’s existing water distribution pumphouse and waterline from the pumphouse have presented several deficiencies. The existing water distribution pumphouse is located across the CP rail tracks from the vast majority of the Village including critical infrastructure.  

Existing water system details in the area are also not well documented, however available record information on the CP rail crossing indicates that the original wood stave construction remains.  This infrastructure pre-dates the current regional water supply and the previously decommissioned water treatment plant.

Village staff were unable to complete a physical investigation of the condition of the waterline without significant risk of catastrophic failure. The nature and placement of the waterline are such that failure represents significant risk to the Village water supply and active rail infrastructure in a location that is not conducive to emergency repair or temporary piping solutions.

As a result, the Village applied to receive funding under the Alberta Water/Wastewater Partnership program in early 2022 for replacement of the railway crossing and upgrades to the pumphouse.

Grant funding was received in the amount of $1,185,000, with the total cost of the project expected to be $1,580,000.  The Village is responsible to provide 25% of the costs of the project under the grant funding guidelines, which is $395,000. 

The detailed design of the upgrades has commenced, and construction is scheduled for summer 2023.

For the full text of Bylaw #827 please click on this link

Update to Utilities Bylaw for 2025

Council voted to pass a new Utilities Bylaw in December that will see a small increase in the monthly administration fee for water services, effective January 1st, 2025. The new rate is $50/month (up from $47/month). This will help offset the increased water rates being charged by Twin Valley Regional Water Commission as well as the new mandatory capital contribution amount that all member communities must pay. The Village’s capital contribution will amount to $37,500 for the year, or $3125 per month.

A copy of the bylaw is available by clicking HERE

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the office.