This page is designed to give the user access to the documents and procedures associated with planning and development in the Village of Carmangay.
Development Process
- All potential applicants for a development permit for a new building, additional building, addition or land use change should refer to the Village of Carmangay Land Use Bylaw or contact the Village office.
- Apply using one of the following documents;
- Pay the required fee as listed here.
- If the request is a permitted use the Development Officer will provide a Notice of Decision. If the request is a discretionary use or not permitted the Municipal Planning Commission will consider the application and provide a Notice of Decision.
Development Permit Applications
- Residential Development Permit Application
- Non Residential Development Permit Application
- Application for a Land Use Bylaw Amendment
- Demolition Permit Application
Village of Carmangay and Vulcan County Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework
The Intermuncipal Collaboration Framework describes how the two municipal share services. The document can be found here.
Village of Carmangay and Vulcan County Intermunicipal Development Plan
The Intermunicipal Development Plan is a document that will describe the planning activities that occur on the borders of Carmangay and Vulcan County. The document is in the final stages of being completed.
Land Use Bylaw
Village of Carmangay Land Use Bylaw
Village of Carmangay Land Use Bylaw Amendments May 2013
Village of Carmangay Municipal Development Plan
The Municipal Development Plan defines the long term planning aspirations for the Village of Carmangay. The document can be found here.
Municipal Planning Commission
The Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) was established by Bylaw 731 to fulfill the requirements of the Village of Carmangay Land Use Bylaw as detailed in Bylaw 731. The MPC consists of five members for a term of 3 years being;
(1) The Development officer of the Village;
(2) Two adult resident property owners of the Village of Carmangay, and
(3) Two members of Council.