This is your chance to vote for the vacant Village of Carmangay Council seat on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at the Carmangay Senior Citizen Club between 10:00am and 8:00pm. You must be a citizen of the Village of Carmangay and bring 1 piece of ID with you.
To keep election staff safe the following requirements will be in place.
-Only 1 person at a time will be allowed in the building.
-Those waiting to vote will be required to wait at the front of the building to allow for safe entrance and exit out of the side entrance of the building of those voting.
-a mask will be required (there will be some available for those that don’t have one).
-each person will be provided a pen which they can take home to minimize possible transfer of the virus.
-hand sanitizer will be provided and the voting booth will be wiped down between uses.
A copy of this will be mailed with the candidates biographies today to Carmangay households.
The candidates in alphabetical order are:
Sue Dahl
Doug Fraser
Maureen Travers
Please come out and vote!